
What we aim to accomplish?

The aim of the project is to promote active citizenship in youngsters through our modern world of technology. The leading organization behind “Escape For Democracy” is Asociación Europa 2020 from Spain and the partners are Kalimera SME from Croatia, Viimsi Municipality from Estonia, and WalkTogether from Bulgaria. You can find further information about each organization above. We aim to share our knowledge of European values and democratic participation in a fun and innovative way. Our open-source e-platform website, contains research studies, good practices, news, a Youth Practitioner’s Handbook and most importantly, 3 digital escape rooms. These virtual escape rooms are designed in an educational manner, by using NFE methodologies. The purpose of these rooms is to showcase creative educational scenarios, promote citizenship education, teach EU values, explain the principles of unity and diversity, as well as show and promote EUs social, cultural, and historical heritage. The produced results of our project, therefore, create an environment promoting a more active democratic lifestyle for youngsters.

The handbook

This Handbook for youth practitioners presents state of the art findings relevant to non-formal education of youth based on digital gamification for fostering active citizenship topics to young people in Europe. It contains a research study based on the data collected in Spain, Croatia, Bulgaria and Estonia, good practice examples of educational resources related to the topics, a collection of educational learning scenarios for the development of educational escape rooms and a list of free tools and resources used for the development of gamified digital educational resources.

Digital Escape Rooms

Here are our very own digital escape rooms. They are developed through different modern technologies, with the help of each partner on the project. The main purposes of these tools are to: teach European values; promote social, cultural, and historical heritage; promote democratic knowledge and participation; promote active citizenship; promote gamification methods. We believe that by teaching our youngsters how to be more active in their own lives, they will have the motivation needed to be the best versions of themselves. Thanks to copious research, we chose the gamification method as our means of communication, seeing as it has unique benefits and is one of the most common interests for our target group. Here you will see for yourself what these digital escape rooms are, how they work and the knowledge we aim to share through them.

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